Call it daring or garish, but you can’t deny the strange appeal of these sapphire watches, which are some of the rarest in the market.

Sapphire is extremely difficult to machine. Watchmakers must mill them from solid gemstone blocks, which is why the method is reserved for customised, ultra-private collections.
Richard Mille, founder of the first sapphire watch, describes working with sapphire as walking on thin ice, saying, “Sapphire is incredibly tough to cut, grind and polish. But it is also brittle. The watch’s curved front and bezels, together with the case band, need to match each other within microns and with no irregularities. If they don’t, you must throw it all away, as you cannot adjust anything.”
Yes it might be harsh, but we suspect that’s because the payoff is grand: experts MB&F, Hublot and more have created their own versions of extraordinary transparent timepieces, mostly highly limited and costly, but also tough as nails. After all, sapphire is almost as scratch-resistant as diamond.
Take a look at some popular see-through sapphire watches, ranging from country-club sporty to sophisticated and smart:
(swipe left for more)
Images courtesy of respective brands.
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