In a realm where Hollywood’s sci-fi films have often missed the mark in envisioning the forthcoming era, a select few have astoundingly captured the essence of our modern world’s prophesied destiny. With the advent of cutting-edge technologies like AI, VR Tech and Holograms, the year 2024 could serve as the turning point where numerous science fiction films that have foretold the future may actually turn to reality.
Let us welcome 2024 with open arms and explore these visionary sci-fi films that have accurately predicted the shape of things to come.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

While it wasn’t until 2010 that the iPad was introduced, its futuristic concept was already showcased in Stanley Kubrick’s iconic film, A Space Odyssey, back in 1968. Despite Kubrick’s miscalculation about its full usability by 2001, Kubrick’s visionary portrayal of advanced technologies like tablets and wireless gadgets deserves admiration.
Dick Tracy (1990)

Dick Tracy was released in 1990. Skip forward to three decades later, we now have the SmartWatch or Apple Watch that offers a multitude of functions right on our wrists. While Warren Beatty’s movie showcased a somewhat conventional wrist phone, our modern devices are much more stylish and in line with the cutting-edge technology of today.
The Lawnmower Man (1992)

The Lawnmower Man is a film adaptation of Stephen King’s science fiction short story, where a scientist conducts experiments using intelligence-enhancing drugs and virtual reality on a mentally challenged gardener. The film explores the potential of VR technology, which is currently experiencing significant advancements.
The Truman Show (1998)

The Truman Show starring Jim Carrey, has had a significant influence on the lives of vloggers and reality TV shows. It has created a trend where people spend hours watching others go about their daily lives. This film accurately predicted the rise of vloggers, influencers, and reality TV stars who share their activities with the world 24/7.
Minority Report (2002)

Minority Report directed by Steven Spielberg, eerily foreshadowed the rise of online shopping and personalised customer experiences. This visionary film scarily portrayed the widespread acceptance of online shopping in our present era, along with the unsettling trend of targeted shopping ads that seem to anticipate our thoughts. It’s those moments when we contemplate purchasing something, only to have it mysteriously appear on our social media feed.
Ex Machina (2014)

The existence of artificial intelligence and human-like robots is not a novelty anymore. Ex Machina has already conveyed a warning to tech developers and governments about the potential dangers of creating such robots, but some countries have already managed to successfully create one.
This film serves as a reminder that if we do not take necessary precautions, these robots could surpass us in abstract thinking and strategic abilities, posing a significant threat to the world.