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Managing your anxiety when you’re under home quarantine

Keep calm and take control of your anxiety during home quarantine with these tips.

What to binge-watch on Netflix when you’re stuck at home

It’s time for some major catching up on your Netflix watch list.

These 5 apps can help optimise your productivity for working from home

With the right apps, working from home can be a breeze. What are some of the reasons that working from home isn’t the norm? Lack of resources, the need for human contact to discuss projects effectively, managers needing to keep…

How to cope with working from home without losing productivity

Working from home can actually be a lot more challenging than you think. Is there anything more attractive than working in the comfort of your own home? You save money on lunch and transport, there’s no need for stuffy work…

6 nutrients to help boost and maintain your immune system

A way to keeping a person healthy, is through their immune system. We’re currently suspended in a time where the world is starting to look like it’s stepping into a dystopian film where the undead and infected run rampant. Panic…

LVMH aids in the fight against COVID-19 by producing hand sanitisers

This announcement by LVMH was made to help curb the spread of the Coronavirus in France.  The aisles in supermarkets are emptying out, disinfectants have been out of stock for weeks, and people are being re-educated on their basic hygiene…

How the COVID-19 is affecting major events around the world

Major events around the world are being cancelled or postponed until further notice due to Covid-19 – here’s a look at those that have been affected so far. On Wednesday, the World Health Organisation officially declared the 2019 Novel Coronavirus…

Give your mind and body the best night’s sleep with these 7 tips

Don’t downplay what a good night’s sleep can do for your health and wellbeing. Picture this: You’ve just hit the fifth snooze on your alarm, your skin looks dull and your eyes are dark, and that morning double shot isn’t…

Castra by Colony is the glamping experience you never knew you wanted

Here’s a look inside to see why. Camping in the city probably sounds like an absurd idea, but Castra by Colony is not your average camping experience. Neither is it like any other city staycation. Launched in January 2020 as…

Oscars 2020: The complete list of winners

And the award goes to… We have finally made it to the end of the 92nd Academy Awards, and what a journey it has been! This year has seen an especially exciting awards season, with works from Scorsese and Tarantino…