Not sure what to make for dinner? The new ‘Friends’ cookbook will be there for you.
If you love polishing whatever cooking skills you have and binging on 90s sitcoms – you’re in for a real treat. An official ‘Friends’ cookbook will be published, featuring prank-worthy inedible dishes such as Rachel’s famous Beef Trifle to actual palatable food.

The 100-recipe volume is written by chef Amanda Yee, and described as a “fun homage to the show that’s always been there for you”. With each page comes a recipe from the famous sitcom, with juicy details about its backstory on ‘Friends’.
If you take a look at the preview on Amazon, you’ll be able to find recipes such as ‘Just for Joey Fries Board’, which nods to the episode where Joey refuses to go on another date with Phoebe’s friends Sarah because she keeps stealing his fries – after all, “Joey doesn’t share food!”

You can even try a hand at recreating possibly mouthwatering dishes such as the treasured meatball sub that was worth Joey risking his life over in the episode “The One with the Ride-Along”, or the awfully named “Moistmaker” sandwich from “The One with Ross’s Sandwich”.
Friends: The Official Cookbook is due for release on the 22nd September, and is currently available for preorder.