Thankfully, there are a few fool-proof remedies you can take before and after drinking to prevent hangovers. Now, everyone’s system works differently and to find your fix, you’ll have to be patient and try different concoctions. Here are some that have proven to work for most people. Test them out the next time you have a drinking event – good luck!
Before drinking
Take a couple of minutes to prepare these remedies or consume these foods before you head out for the night.
Take the Himalaya Party Smart pills

Pop one capsule of this Himalaya Party Smart pill about an hour before you sip your first cocktail. Made with 100% active herbal ingredients like chicory and dates, it works to protect your liver and relieve unpleasant after-effects of alcohol like headache, nausea, and drowsiness. Additionally, Himalaya Party Smart also prevents fatigue, body aches, and the burning sensation in the stomach.
Get some Vitamin C

The antioxidant properties in Vitamin C can help to offset the intensity of a hangover, especially after a night of heavy drinking. It helps to protect your cells from damage caused by oxidative stress. Additionally, Vitamin C is known to strengthen your immune system and prevent colds and sores, so pop between 500mg to 1000mg of Vitamin C before you head out for a fun night.
Eat fatty foods

Now’s your chance to eat your burgers, fries, mee mamak, and roti canai without guilt as the fat in these foods will line your stomach, delaying your body’s absorption of alcohol. This is a great step to avoid a terrible hangover the next day. If you prefer a healthier diet, then opt for some avocados, or get an order of guacamole before you start sipping on your Long Island.
Have some high-fibre snacks

While waiting for party time, snack on some almonds or dark chocolates, or have some whole fruits like apples, strawberries, and pears. Alternatively, you can opt for higher-fibre foods like kidney beans, lentils, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts for dinner. These high-fibre foods will break down and absorb alcohol as much as possible, slowing their speed towards your bloodstream. Besides, this is a good excuse to get your daily fibre intake.
After drinking
If you did not practice the prevention methods above, fret not, we have some remedies you can try out after a night of drinking.
Eat some eggs

Eggs contain the amino acid, cysteine, which helps to eliminate harmful free radicals in your liver. Cysteine also works to break down acetaldehyde, a chemical produced when the body breaks down alcohol, helping to ease your hangover. Besides, eggs are gentle on the stomach lining and contain plenty of vitamins and minerals for faster recovery.
Take some red ginseng

For centuries, red ginseng has been used by physicians and herbalists to cure all kinds of illnesses and boost immunity. Consider drinking some red ginseng tea, soup, or broth to eliminate your hangover symptoms like dizziness and headaches.
Red ginseng is generally safe for anyone without existing illnesses. However, if you have high blood pressure or diabetes, it’s best to check with your doctor first before consuming any ginseng products.
Consume some honey

Spread some honey on your toast, dilute it in your water, or gulp it straight from the spoon before you head out. The fructose found in honey can help your body process alcohol while breaking down acetaldehyde. Furthermore, fructose works to speed up the oxidation of alcohol while converting acetaldehyde into acetic acid – a less toxic toxin that will cause no harm to your body. So, always stock up on honey at home, especially if you’re a regular drinker.
Sweat buckets in a sauna

Drink plenty of water and isotonic beverages before heading to a sauna. Sweating helps to flush out all the toxins from your body, eliminating symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and headaches. Besides, sweating in a sauna also increases your body’s temperature while reducing inflammation and relieving muscle soreness. While using the sauna, take a minute of break in between sessions to sip some water, before heading in for some more sweating.
Of course, the other method you can try is taking some painkillers and sleeping. However, the recovery and detoxification rate will be slower. Try the remedies above, stick to the ones that work best for you and drink plenty of fluids. You’re welcome.
Head here to check out where you can party in KL.