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Made in Malaysia: The Rojak Projek

When a graphic designer, photographer and architect merge their love for Malaysia, food, and creativity, born is a movement of love, unity and pride for our nation and people. In a culturally rich and diverse nation such as Malaysia, it…

Ferrari 488 Challenge: Race day with Naza Aylezo’s Zen Low

The man, the challenge and the machine bring the magic of motorsport racing alive. Here’s our account of an evening with Malaysia’s latest track icon. As a boy, Zen Low dreamt of becoming a jet fighter pilot or astronaut, but never…

Made in Malaysia: KitaKita

Four women with a uniting passion for Malaysian arts, culture and crafts set an inspiring example of what it means to be Malaysian – and proud. Sauntering into KitaKita’s store in Bukit Damansara one morning, we find ourselves in an…

Made in Malaysia: Umma and Nita

This is the story of a sister act ready to take on the fashion and beauty world – with strong Malaysian sensibilities leading the way for a fresh take. What do modest wear and make-up have in common? Quite a…

Bill Gates gives $4.6 bil to charity – the largest donation of the year

Gates donated 64 million Microsoft shares worth $4.6 billion (RM19.8 billion) to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in June. Bill Gates is not just the world’s richest person – he’s also the world’s biggest philanthropist, at least so far…

Othman Mirzan’s small step for family is one giant leap for Ski Malaysia

Meet the person who represented Malaysia at the Alpine World Ski Championships and  Asian Winter Games this year – Othman Mirzan, our nation’s first alpine ski racer. This year, there were two Malaysian representatives at the Alpine World Ski Championships.…

Top 10: Best paid footballers of the year

Football is no longer just the world’s most popular game – it’s also the most expensive. Here are ten players of top skill and speed making the big bucks. Neymar has signed the most expensive transfer deal in history with Paris…

Nolan’s best: The cinematic journey leading up to Dunkirk

Christopher Nolan is the master of non-linear storytelling depicting ambiguous themes and morality, using grandeur to strip humanity down to its very core. When it comes to the cinematic study of the human condition, few do it as well as…

How Roen Cian turned passion for football into his own business reality

He’s known as the entertainment and F&B guy, but Roen Cian has diversified his portfolio with The New Camp – football fields for the masses. It’s a sunny Monday and Roen Cian is in his element. Strolling up to one…

12 sportspeople with a wicked fashion sense on top of court skills

Who are they? Only the most stylish and fashionable athletes the world celebrates today. They train hard, fight sweat and tears, and go through immense pressure to make their team and nation proud; yet still manage to look ridiculously good…