Together, we can make a difference.
Jul 10, 2021
Know the new names of your Pfizer, AstraZeneca and other vaccines
Vaccine producer companies have started rolling out the brand names of their Covid-19 vaccines, so pay attention.
Jul 07, 2021
Bendera Putih: Food aids you can donate to in support of #KitaJagaKita
Now more than ever, Malaysians should look out for each other.
Jul 01, 2021
The World Wide Web source codes have been sold for $5.4 million – as an NFT of course
The sale closed in an online auction that saw half of the bidders new to Sotheby’s.
Jun 22, 2021
9 at-home workout equipment to come out of this MCO fitter than ever
Time to build your at-home gym.
Jun 21, 2021
Better late than never: Let’s talk the Victoria’s Secret rebranding
Too little too late or an A for effort?
Jun 20, 2021
Debunking the 3 most common yoga myths with Michael Teh
When it comes to true yoga, it’s not all about performing complex yoga (Asana) poses, snapping a photo, and showing it off online.
Jun 15, 2021
UEFA EURO 2020: Eight rules you probably didn’t know about
There are rules for every aspect of the championship from trophy to players’ numbers.
Jun 14, 2021
Much Wow. So Record. The Doge meme NFT has been sold for record US$4 million
It’s officially the most expensive meme NFT ever sold
Jun 11, 2021
Coach launches its first virtual concert in Southeast Asia with Def Jam SEA
Malaysian artists Joe Flizzow and SonaOne are featured in the line-up.